Western Sydney International (Nancy-Bird Walton) Airport, will be a world-class smart airport, built to service 10 million passengers a year from the day we open in 2026 .

The Australian Government is investing up to $5.3b, making the Western Sydney Airport one of the largest airports currently under construction in the world, it is expected to be operational in 2026 and will initially handle 5-million passengers per annum reaching 10-million passengers by 2031, a 2nd runway will be added when needed and by around 2063, the airport is expected to accommodate approximately 82-million passengers annually.
The airport will be a full service airport operating curfew free, delivering international, domestic and freight services and is expected to create 28,000 jobs directly and indirectly. Western Sydney is the biggest City being built in Australia in the past 100 years and will become Australia’s fourth largest city.